Monday, August 29, 2005

The restaurant moved back to Lebanon

Oh. There is so much to say! Once I have a bed and computer access I will share more, but my friend Jayanthi and I are taking a short visit to the internet cafe to relieve the exhaustion of trying to find somewhere to eat. My Rough Guide to Egypt, which in general is pretty great, gave us the name of a Lebanese restaurant in the area of Heliopolis, which is "close" to where I am staying, in Nasser City. After I came home from my colloquial class, I had told Jayanthi that I really wanted to go eat in a restaurant, since I hadn't yet and I was restless to eat something other than peanut butter and banana sandwiches and take out koshri. Hence, we hop in a cab and give general directions to the cab driver. 45 minutes later we are continually stopping and asking people for help= unfortunately all Egyptians tell you where to go even if they have no idea- not a good thing for lost people or restaurants : ) 2 more taxi cabs and 2 hours later, we are back. Hmm. Something was definately just lost in translation. That paragraph did nothing to communicate the frustrations of arguing for a fair taxi rate in Arabic, the small victories of making a joke about the restaurant going back in Lebanon, the bumper to bumper traffic and exhaust coming in through the window, and the beautiful fruit stands and people milling about. As Jayanthi just told me as she walked up - "I'm definately going to need Gilmore Girls tonight."

Me too. : )

Such is Egypt!


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