Sunday, September 04, 2005

I'm soooooo gross

In a nutshell because we just got back and I have to be up for 8 o clocky class.


On-campus orientation
Threw up after lunch
Threw up in the streets of Cairo
Threw up while negotiating our apartment contract
Threw up while waiting for the bus
Threw up on the bus

Finished throwing up and woke up to realize I was in a fancy schmanzy resort with a key to an apartment! Yeah for a home! Yeah for bringing Gatorade- those 'electrolytes' really rehydrate! No more mangoes for awhile.

Friday and Saturday:

More later about the resort set in a privately owned town designed to create the imagined Mediterranean meets Oriental fantasy of the Western European/American tourist. There was bad tango dancing in a "street festival." There were also Scandinavian roomates!!!!!!!!! Hilda times two.


AM- Sorry this is a little bit gross- but I think it is an important symbol- noticed that my boogers had briefly returned to their normal, clear, color instead of Cairo grey/black.
10 pm just got off the bus and am ready for food and then a return to our apartment, where we shall sleep and prepare for our first day of school.

Don't be shy about commenting! It doesn't have to relate to the blog. (Obligatory Helen is a wee bit lonely note to guilt you into flooding my inbox : ) )

Address will be up soon.


Blogger Lars Gotrich said...

you and your boogers and vomiting.

12:58 PM  

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